thedefeatofthesocialistchallengeinGuyana,andtheliquida- *Hill'sarticleappearsalsoinWalterRodney,Revolutionary andScholar:ATribute,EdwardA.AlpersandPierre-Michel Fontaine,eds.,underthetitle"WalterRodneyandtheRestate- mentofPan-AfricanisminTheoryandPractice."Subtitlesand emphasisareours. ThanksareduetoRobertHill...
Despite the growing number of studies aimed at calibrating allometric equations4,5,6, only a few thousand tropical trees have been sampled for this purpose so far, including very few large trees despite their specific architecture7 and disproportionate contribution to forest AGB8. This destructive ...
The significance of such a study lies in the demonstration of the endurance, presence, and necessity of myth, in the importance of showing that literature is one way of traveling towards religious, spiritual, and/or mythic truths, and in the contribution to a new emphasis of what "American"...