“In memory of our gallant South African comrades, at all retreat ceremonies,the playing of the American National Anthem shall be preceded by playing the introductory bars of the South African National Anthem and that all personnel of the Wing will render the same honours to this Anthem as to ...
It had been used in the American Civil War but it was only by WW1 that it became defined. Even at this early time of submarine warfare we find some notable South Africans at the forefront of this foreboding weapon of war, here are their stories: William Tatham Sub-Lieutenant William ...
American born Joyce was a member of the BUF whilst he lived in Britain, and later would infamously became known as ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ – a propagandist broadcasting from Nazi Germany during the war. All three would play a key role in the future “British Free Corps” (BFC) of the Waffen...