CCT 01 - English Literature up to 1660Unit 1: Milton Paradise Lost Book IUnit 2: Pope: Rape of the LockUnit 3: Addison, Steele: Essays (Hugh Walker: Essays & Essayists) Unit 4: Lawrence Sterne: TristramShandy
Both the professor and the students willdetermine how much time is spent on each story. Since regular attendance is expected of all students, the topic of each class period will be clearly evident.Dr. Vivian Casper
Additionally, by the end of the semester, we should all share afamiliarity with the central themes in African American History and, more importantly, have the skills to think critically about history and the world in which we live.Evan Friss...
RACE, RACISM, AND AMERICAN LAW SEMINAR, Fall 2012 Wednesday 3:30-5:20 p.m. Room 275 SYLLABUSIntroduction, pp. xv-xixChapter 32: Perea, The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race, pp. 344-52Chapter 41: Espinoza & Harris, Embracing the Tar-Baby, pp. 440-46 ...
Sociology 476-0-22: Urban Sociology and Urban Problems Syllabus – Spring 2011 (Version of 3/17/2011) Wednesday 11 – 1:50, Parkes Hall Room 222Additional:Fischer, Claude. 1995. "The Subcultural Theory of Urbanism: A Twentieth-Year Assessment." American Journal of Sociology 80(6): 1319-...
Literature and Global Cultures: Colonial, Anti-colonial, and Postcolonial Discourse (ENH 209: 2031)Professor Ashley Dawson
The major findings of the study indicated that majority of the respondents agreed that Kiswahili oral literature was introduced in the syllabus without a pilot study with most of them saying that the syllabus was introduced without induction of teachers. The study is significant in...