In a report on their analysis, published ahead of print in theJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology, the investigators urge dermatologists to better educate themselves about the damaging hairstyles—which include tight ponytails, braids, knots and buns—and advise patients of risks and ...
Though the texture may vary, says Philadelphia dermatologist Susan Taylor, MD, there are some similarities that make Black hair different from other types. Generally, the hair contains less water, grows more slowly, and breaks more easily than Caucasian or Asian hair. Why is it so difficult to...
3. Treat the acne itself.By treating current acne breakouts, one is also preventing future acne lesions and the hyperpigmentation they can leave behind. To treat hyperpigmentaion there are many options a dermatologist may recommend. It is helpful to remember that typically these spots will fade o...