African American Club Women and the Making of Productive Citizens at the State Industrial Home for Negro Girls at Tipton, Missouri, 1909-1956Rowe, Leroy Milton
When we think about the Underground Railroad the first name that comes to most of us isHarriet Tubman. While Tubman was exceptionally heroic, many other women played keys rolls in the efforts to help freedom seekers reach safety. In NE Ohio we have learned the names of men who were property...
Women's studiesFinance African American women wealth builders in the $100k Club| An exploratory qualitative study of the motivation and success strategies CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Rubye Braye Mitchell-MartinKimAfrican American women have been considered a double jeopardy due to being both Black and female. ...
He preferred more “natural” women who were not obsessed with fashion, as he put it, with whom he could have a deeper conversation. On one trip to California he had a relationship with a Native American named Luciana who came very close to his ideal. Back in New York, King was ...
Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks. “Clubwomen and Electoral Politics in the 1920s.” In Ann Gordon et al.,African American Women and the Vote: 1837-1965. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997. ___.Righteous Discontent: The Women’s Movement in the Black Baptist Church 1880-1920.Cambridg...
A searing and fearless anthology of essays exploring the profound impact of money on women’s lives, edited by prominent feminist and writer Rebecca Walker.Women Talk Money is a groundbreaking collection that lifts the veil on what women talk about when they talk about money; it unflinchingly rec...
With grant support from the March of Dimes, California Chapter, IPOP established three monthly ClubMom' venues. The club-like atmosphere helped women feel supported as they engaged in health education. Outreach workers and peer leaders implemented sessions on nutrition, relationships, exercise, family...
Related to African American:African American Vernacular English alsoAf·ri·can-A·mer·i·can(ăf′rĭ-kən-ə-mĕr′ĭ-kən) n. A black American of African ancestry. Af′ri·can-A·mer′i·canadj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyri...
Sara Gómez, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, Dash’s elegant explorations of Black communities in America have inspired Ava DuVernay and Beyoncé; the latter notingDaughters of the Dustas a major influence onLemonade. More recently, Dash has directed episodes forQueen SugarandWomen of the Movement...
South African Women for Women South African Women in Construction South African Women in Dialogue South African Women in Mining Association South African Women in Science and Engineering South African Women's Club in the Netherlands South African Wood Preservers' Association South African Wool and Texti...