This revision comes just weeks after Florida Governor Ron DeSantisprohibitedthe course in Florida public schools. The pilot AP African American Studies curriculum was met with harsh criticism from DeSantis and other conservatives. Alettersent from the Florida Department of Education to the College...
On the first day of Black History Month, the College Board introduced theofficial curriculumfor its new Advanced Placement course in African American Studies. The course was first announced last August but David Coleman, the head of the College Board, said that the board decided on the ...
The AP African American Studies course is the College Board's first new offering since 2014, according to TIME, and will cover over 400 years of African American history. The curriculum will span several topics, including literature, political science and geography. This summer, teachers...
The official curriculum for a new Advanced Placement course on African American studies released Wednesday downplays some components that had drawn criticism from conservatives including Florida Gov.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.-TheCollege Boardsays it plans to release the framework for its pilot AP American Studies course on the first day of Black History Month afterFloridaofficialsrejected the curriculumand Gov.Ron Desantismade accusations that it aimed to indoctrinate students with ideologies n...
The College Board’s announcement of the course included endorsements from several leading scholars of African American studies, including Henry Louis Gates, the renowned professor of the humanities at Harvard University, who was quoted as saying that the curriculum “provides students with a firm foun...
The College Board is coming out swinging against the DeSantis Administration and the Department of Education over the future of its AP African American studies course.
The new course, which the schools are testing in a pilot program, is a significant step toward legitimizing African American studies in the public eye, says historianHenry Louis Gates Jr., who helped create the curriculum. “Nothing is more dramatic than having the College Board launch ...
Incorporating an African American Male Female Relationships Course into a Black Studies CurriculumDixon, Patricia
But the official curriculum for the course, released after DeSantis' administration rejected it, downplayed some components that had drawn objections from the governor and other conservatives. The College Board faced an onslaught of criticism from activists and African American scholars outraged at the...