Officials near decision on African-American museum siteBerg, Joel
The Tubman African American Museum is the largest of its kind in the southeast dedicated to educating people about the Art, History and Culture of African Americans. OUR MISSION The mission of the Tubman African American Museum is to explore, celebrate and share the rich art and history of ...
New Orleans African American Museum 路易斯安那新奥尔良的博物馆 首页 全部景点 新奥尔良非裔美国人博物馆 这里是美国现存最古老的黑人社区 新奥尔良非裔美国人博物馆( NOAAM) 是位于路易斯安那州新奥尔良特雷梅社区的博物馆,这里是美国现存最古老的黑人社区。艺术、文化和历史 NOAAM 致力于教育、保存、解释和促进非洲...
携程攻略提供奥克兰African American Museum and Library at Oakland游玩攻略信息,您可以查询奥克兰African American Museum and Library at Oakland票价格优惠信息表、参观预约African American Museum and Library at Oakland门票价格多少钱,African American Museum and
The California African American Museum explores the art, history, and culture of African Americans, with an emphasis on California and the West. Located in Los Angeles' beautiful Exposition Park, CAAM features a range of dynamic, changing exhibitions and public programs for all...
网络释义 1. 非裔美国人博物馆 ...展馆,还有天文馆和立体电影院。非裔美国人博物馆(African-American Museum)详细介绍了从黑奴时代以前的非洲到现在的 …|基于2个网页
它以前被稱為非裔美國人歷史和文化博物館。 地址: 701 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA 时间: 周四至周日 10:00–17:00,周一至周三关闭,具体请以官网信息为准 电话: +1 215-574-0380 网址:费城非裔美国人博物馆推荐旅游项目更多费城非裔美国人博物馆旅游 费城非裔...
African-American Historical MuseumAfrican / African American Historical Society Museum 1.6 热度 4分 1条点评 明日10:00-16:00开放 实用攻略 436 E Douglas St, Fort Wayne, IN 地图·周边 用户点评(1)查看全部 4/5分 好评1 灿烂阳光普照 4分 满意 喜欢的历史的可以来看看,这里环境不错...
A museum that seeks to understand American history through the lens of the African American experience.
Welcome to The African American Museum at The England ManorAfrican-American history was created with the arrival of Africans to North America in the 16th an ...