Longest River Nile, 4,130 miles Largest Body of Water Lake Victoria, 26,600 sq mi Population 2010 1,022,234,000 Number of Countries 56 Africa is the continental landmass to the south of Europe. It is connected to Asia by the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt; the remaining borders are the...
The country of Sudan is located in Northern Africa and occupies 718,723 square miles of the total land area on the African continent. It is also the 16th largest country in the world. The land area of Sudan is characterized by plains and mountain ranges. The Rive Nile is formed in its ...
Africa is the largest of the three great southward projections from the largest landmass of the Earth. Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, it is joined to Asia at its northeast extremity by the Isthmus of Suez (transected by the Suez Canal), 163 km (101 miles) wide. (Geopolitic...
All the land below 500 feet occurs within 500 miles of the coast, except for two small basins in the Sahara. MoroccoThe rugged Atlas Mountains surround a valley in Morocco.(more) The higher areas of the south and east are in marked contrast to the considerably lower elevation of the ...
Area: 199900 sq km (77182 sq miles) Major languages: Kyrgyz Russian Major religions: Islam Christianity Life expectancy: 64 years (men) 72 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 som = 100 tyiyns Main exports: Fruit vegetables gold tobacco ...
Located close to the true centre of the world (GPS coordinates: 0° 20′ 11.5″ North / 6° 43′ 38.4″ East), São Tomé is located slightly north of the equator, while Principe is located 140 kilometres (87 miles) northeast of São Tomé....
At a length of 2,600 miles the Niger River is the third longest river in Africa, after the Nile and the Congo. It contains 36 families of freshwater fish and nearly 250 fish species, twenty of these are found nowhere else on the planet. A few interesting facts Uranium is Niger’s ...
bifurcates the region into two halves. With large lakes big enough to fit in several European nations, extinct volcanoes with snow-capped peaks visible for miles, expansive national parks inhabited by wild beasts, and a pristine Indian Ocean coastline stretching more than 2000 km, Eastern Africa...
But if the rain keeps falling and the weather stays warm, experts think this already massive swarm could "swell exponentially and spill over" into more countries in East Africa. After all, these bugs are known to travel up to 150 kilometres a day (90 miles), and in t...
Within sub-Saharan Africa’s vastness lies adiversearea that is difficult to characterize. Itcomprises49 countries of all sizes, ranging from the largest—and almost completely landlocked—Democratic Republic of the Congo, with an area of 905,405 square miles (2,345,000 square km), to small ...