Tatsha Robertson, Globe Staff
The dataset was developed to enable the quantification of the Biodiversity Intactness Index28for sub-Saharan Africa (https://bii4africa.org/). It provides an African-led alternative to a previous attempt to map the Biodiversity Intactness Index globally based on a model29, which produced inaccurate...
Government Hobbyist DroneLaws For Residents of South Africa Drone Operations in South Africa are currently regulated. Hobbyist drone flights are allowed in South Africa Hobbyist South Africa drone pilot license is required in some situations
South Africa is recognized as being the country with the highest per capita emission among developing countries because the domestic economy heavily depends on coal resources to produce energy8. A previous study on temperature trends in South Africa revealed that the annual mean temperature has signifi...
"We now urge all the Rage attendees to immediately go into a 10-days quarantine... We also urge that Rage attendees test for COVID-19." Organisers of the Rage parties did not immediately respond to an emailed message for comment. In media reports leading up to the events,...
Subjects not domiciled in the country or zone in question, or those of foreign origin resident in the country for < 6 months at the time of the study were excluded, as were subjects with comorbid mental illness. Data collection When initial telephone contact with each subject was established,...
The South African national standard for Land Cover Classification System (Department of Rural development and Land Reform, 2019) was applied to map the existing LULC in the study area (Table 2). The broad hierarchical level 1 was applied on Landsat images to identify existing LULC. Furthermore,...
of four commonGJB2variants reported in Africa:BGJB2: c.35delG: p.(G12Vfs*2),CGJB2: c.427C>T: p.(R143W),DGJB2: c.139G>T: p.(E47*),EGJB2: c.109G>A: p.(V37I). The total number of mutant alleles (allele frequency in percentages) per country was displayed on the map...
within-country variation in the prevalence of HIV throughout sub-Saharan Africa and local differences in both the direction and rate of change in HIV prevalence between 2000 and 2017, highlighting the degree to which important local differences are masked when examining trends at the country level....