The original Afraid of Monsters was one of my first travels through Half-Life psychological horror modding, way before Mistake/Cry of Fear/Grey, my memory of it has faded but i did recall sorta liking it, so when the DC version came out, i was as excited as the next guy. Of course,...
First of all, it's the 4th yearanniversary of the Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut release. We're very proud of the mod, and we recommend you all to try it out during Halloween, and also while you're waiting on Cry of Fear. A trailer of Afraid of Monsters: DC is displayed belo...
Afraid of Monsters - Part 4 - MARKIPLIER FINDS A WAY 上传者:ZJBOYhaha 16:30 Afraid of Monsters - Part 5 - IMPASSE 上传者:ZJBOYhaha 16:24 Afraid of Monsters - Part 6 - RAGE BEYOND RAGE 上传者:ZJBOYhaha 15:23 Afraid of Monsters - Part 7 - GETTING CREEPED OUT ...
Hello everybody, it's been a long time since we've made a news post, so before this section gets lost under a pile of dust, we'll add something new. As you may or may not be aware, work on Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut has been...
Hello everybody! After fifteen months, Afraid of Monsters Director's Cut is nearly ready to release! The release date is on Halloween this year, for you guys who don't know which date it is, it's on October 31st. We look forward to seeing...
Location Games:Half-Life:Mods:Afraid of Monsters DC - Remod:Addons Filename Category Weapon Skin Licence Proprietary Uploader [_-=MTB=-_] Credits Rumpel/Team Psyskallar Added Aug 10th, 2017 Size 13.11mb (13,751,795 bytes) ...
Yet another HD pack for the Half-Life horror mod, Afraid of Monsters DC! This remod simply replaces some of the models/sounds/sprites in the mod itself.Members only You do not have permission to add the requested downloads content. If you are a member we suggest you login using the ...
DC level. Since I only want this plugin to be usable with Director's Cut, I had to remove that functionality. There's probably a way to get it to work, but I honestly haven't given it much thought. You get 60% flashlight power every map change anyway, and there are plenty of ...
Afraid of Monsters DC Half-Life mod|Released 2007 summary articles reviews files addons videos images jobs Your name is David Leatherhoff, and you're addicted to a strange drug. Lately you have started to experience illusions, dreams picking at your deepest and darkest fears. Finally, you go...