FULL PAPER www.afm-journal.de Synchronous Growth of High-Quality Bilayer Bernal Graphene: From Hexagonal Single-Crystal Domains to Wafer-Scale Homogeneous Filmsatmospheric pressure chemical vapor depositionbilayer graphenehigh H2 partial pressuresolid carbon sourcessynchronous growth...
www.afm-journal.de 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 252 作者:JQ Wang,YH Liu,MW Chen,GQ Xie,JH Perepezko 摘要: The initiation and propagation of shear bands is an important mode of localized inhomogeneous deformation that occurs in a wide range of materials. In metallic glasses, shear band ...
www.afm-journal.de 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者:L Etgar,D Yanover,R Karel,Michael Graetzel 摘要: The structure and working mechanism of organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells, as well as the process of exciton generation, diffusion and charge transfer, are briefly introduced. The ...
However, the AFM technique has not been previously used to directly measure protein–protein interactions. The purpose of the present paper is to report such a study for the protein BSA. The protein has been adsorbed onto both a silica colloid probe and a planar silica surface. Further, the ...
我最近也是有一篇ACIE,两个审稿人同意(均为top 20%),第三个审稿人觉得太专业了,有意要我转投EJOC(貌似被黑),主编给了个小修,正在努力修改。共勉!祝早日高中! shiyj6666 按照编辑的要求好好修修,基本就接收了!恭喜楼主了! Amorw 5楼: Originally posted by myrice112 at 2014-10-30 21:45:49 我最近也是...
这种情况下,基本上接收,而且编辑也表态了 好好修改吧,提前恭喜楼主,妥妥滴散金币吧 ...
如题,编辑说按照意见修改可能接收,我想问问各位大神,一般这种情况被接收的几率有多大啊? 热烈欢迎以及...
5.原子力显微镜(AFM)在石英薄片表面形貌分析中的应用[J]. 杨丽,张佩聪,王建华. 广州化工. 2012,第015期 6.溅射中性粒子质谱仪用于样品检测研究[C]. 田嘉禾. 第一届全国二次离子质谱学会议. 1993 7.原子力显微镜(AFM)与生物膜相互作用实验理论分析[A]. 刘艳辉. 2006...