一、影响因子的计算逻辑与更新特点 影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)的计算基于某期刊前两年内发表的论文在统计当年被引用的总次数除以该期刊前两年内发表的论文总数。以AFM为例,2024年影响因子(2023年公布)的计算公式为: IF = 2022-2023年总被引次数 / 2021-2022年发表的论文总数 由于不同...
一、影响因子的计算逻辑与意义 影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)反映期刊过去两年内发表论文的平均被引频次。其计算公式为:某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年被引用的总次数/该期刊前两年发表的论文总数。例如,AFM 2024年的影响因子18.5,代表该刊2022-2023年发表的每篇论文在2024年平均被引用18...
在深入探讨AFM(Advanced Functional Materials)期刊的影响因子之前,让我们先详细了解一下影响因子的定义、计算方法及其重要性,进而全面剖析AFM期刊的概况、影响因子历史与现状,以及它在学术期刊评价中的独特地位。 影响因子的定义与计算方法 影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF),作为衡量学术期刊影响力的一把“金钥匙”,其...
FSRCNN[5].This is also small model with fast and accurate inference. Can also do real-time video upscaling. You can download ithere. LapSRN[6].This is a medium sized model that can upscale by a factor as high as 8. You can download ithere. With the theory explained (in general terms...
相应的研究成果以“Direct Freeform Laser Fabrication of 3D Conformable Electronics”于10月26日发表在《Advanced Functional Materials》 上。(AFM 2021 Impact Factor = 19.924) 如图1所示,激光平台的五个自由度由沿XYZ三轴的线性运动和绕XZ二轴的转动构成。在任意曲面上合成器件时,研究人员会首先用3D...
根据2023年的数据,期刊《Advanced Functional Materials》的影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)为19.0。这个数据反映了该期刊在过去两年内发表的文章的平均引用次数。此外,该期刊的h指数为376,表明至少有376篇文章被引用了376次或以上。期刊的SCImago Journal Rank(SJR)为5.565,这是一个衡量期刊科学影响力的指标。根据这些数据...
August 16, 2023 at 8:17 am Hello, just a doubt. As per M&M with tax, if the company is geared then though the Ke will increase but the WACC as a whole falls. In example 2, i tried computing Ke Kd and WACC as follows :- ...
2023年ACCAP4AFM笔记整理资料.docx,复习F9 ADDIN CNKISM.UserStyleFM旳目旳 Profit maximisation is often assumed, incorrectly, to be the main objective of a business. Reasons why profit is not a sufficient objective Investors care about the future Investors c
(CellMask staining for plasma membrane). Scale bars 10 μm in the horizontal direction and 2 μm in the vertical direction. (b) Box plots of cell height, Young’s relaxation modulus scale factorE1, and power-law exponentα. The differences between all distributions are significant at the p...
2024, Coatings Thermally Insulating and Moisture-Resilient Foams Based on Upcycled Aramid Nanofibers and Nanocellulose 2023, Advanced Materials View all citing articles on Scopus 1 Statistical power is taken to mean the probability of distinguishing an actual effect from chance. ...