In this scenario, the cantilever starts to bend, pulling out both molecules tethered at the AFM tip and on the surface, respectively, until the rupture of the complex (Fig. 2b, point 4). Download: Download high-res image (336KB) Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. (a) ...
Whilst binding and final assemblies have been well characterized27,28, no techniques are able to capture the full process and bridge between binding to the membrane, oligomerization and 2D self-assembly into a functional lattice structurally and quantitatively....
B: For the cryosection, the embedding medium (sucrose) was removed by immersing the sections in PBS. The fine structures in cells and tissues were then exposed, which enabled the cantilever to trace along any undulations that appeared. Full size image Figure 2 AFM images of the cryosections ...
To achieve full set support for the modeling of BGP system via metarouting, we plan to encode in PVS more base routing algebras, such as TAG which is critical in the modeling of complicated routing policies, and more composition opera- tors, such as scoped product, which models a BGP ...
Full size image For this data set (Figs 4 and 5), we examined 10 force-rupture events, ranging in peak height from 0.1 nN up to nearly 10 nN. Each rupture event was correlated with structural changes as observed in the side-view images of the SKOV3 cell labeled with membrane (Vybrant...
Full size image To assess the degree of anisotropy in the indentation, first, the surface displacement profile was calculated by subtracting the plasma membrane profile during the indentation from the one before the indentation. In this way, two surface displacement profiles were obtained, one along...
Full size image Using a leapfrog algorithm (see Methods) we simulated the evolution of length histograms under different experimental conditions with various combinations of α and kPvalues based on Eqs.1and2. We then calculated the sum of square error (SSE) between simulation results and experimen...
The cohesin-dockerin receptor-ligand family is the key element in the formation of multi-enzyme lignocellulose-digesting extracellular complexes called cellulosomes. Changes in a receptor protein upon binding of a ligand - commonly referred to as alloste
According to kinetic measurements of A3G-ssDNA complex formation, 50% of the complexes form in 1.1 ms17; therefore, a 0.5 s dwell time provides ample time for complex formation. The final step is the tip retraction step, during which the AFM tip is moved away from the surface, ...
Full size image In an effort to distinguish which viscoelastic model best describes the experimental data, numerical simulations using Ting’s model were performed by varying the indentation timetind(Fig.3c and d). As can be seen from the simulated curves using SLS constitutive relations, at both...