AFL_INST_LIBS:设置 AFL_INST_LIBS 会导致qemu翻译器对任何动态链接库中的代码进行插桩(特别是包括glibc在内的库)。比如设置AFL_INST_LIBS=1即可。 AFL_QEMU_INST_RANGES:您可以使用 AFL_QEMU_INST_RANGES=0xaaaa-0xbbbb,0xcccc-0xdddd 来仅插桩特定的内存位置,或者是特定的库 ,值得注意的是排除范围优先于包含...
用afl来编译软件时会打印出 编译完后会在src/.libs/目录下生成,然后会在 examples/.libs 生成dwg2svg2。dwg2svg2是一个示例程序用于解析一个dwg文件, dwg2svg2依赖, ~/workplace/libredwg-0.9.2425/examples/.libs$ ldd dwg2svg2 => (0x00007ffe0e7eb000) li...
通过分析AFL的源码,发现是AFL在记录程序的执行路径时,最多只记录MAP_SIZE条边。 unsignedintafl_inst_rms=MAP_SIZE; 当执行到被测库libredwg.so时,记录的执行边的数量已经达到了最大值,导致libredwg.so里面的执行路径没有被记录,所以程序的每次执行都会得到一样的覆盖率记录,这也就是AFL一直没有发现新路径的原因。
ifeq "$(shell python3m-config --embed --libs 2>/dev/null | grep -q lpython && echo 1 )" "1" PYTHON_LIB ?= $(shell python3m-config --libs --embed --ldflags) else PYTHON_LIB ?= $(shell python3m-config --ldflags)
$ export AFL_INST_LIBS=1 $ afl-fuzz -m 2048 -Q -i fuzz/in -o fuzz/out -- ./bspfuzz @@ 最好是用多进程,如果你直接用我的wrapper脚本的话,默认就可以。这是我用8核进行了5分钟fuzz之后的情况: 在我的Ryzen 7 1800X上平均有每秒每线程50次执行。一周以后(虚拟机在之后被停了两周): ...
Setting AFL_INST_LIBS=1 can be used to circumvent the .text detection logic and instrument every basic block encountered. 11) Benchmarking If you want to compare the performance of the QEMU instrumentation with that of afl-gcc compiled code against the same target, you need to build the non...
Excluded ranges TBC * Various minor fixes and finished support for AFL_INST_LIBS * Review changes Co-authored-by: Your Name <> * nits * fix frida mode * Integer overflow/underflow fixes in libdislocator (AFLplusplus#889) * libdislocator: fixing integer overflow in 'max_...
CC=/path/of/afl/afl-gcc ./configure 如果是c++程序则加上 CXX=/path/of/afl/afl-g++ ⽤afl来编译软件时会打印出 编译完后会在src/.libs/⽬录下⽣成,然后会在 examples/.libs ⽣成dwg2svg2。dwg2svg2是⼀个⽰例程序⽤于解析⼀个dwg⽂件, dwg2svg2依赖,~/...
ifeq "$(shell python3-config --embed --libs 2>/dev/null | grep -q lpython && echo 1 )" "1" PYTHON_LIB ?= $(shell python3-config --libs --embed --ldflags) else PYTHON_LIB ?= $(shell python3-config --ldflags) endif ...
ifeq "$(shell python3m-config --embed --libs 2>/dev/null | grep -q lpython && echo 1 )" "1" PYTHON_LIB := $(shell python3m-config --libs --embed --ldflags) else PYTHON_LIB := $(shell python3m-config --ldflags)