13. (foll by an infinitive) in such an extreme condition that a specified consequence is likely: she was fit to scream; you look fit to drop. 14. chiefly informal Brit (of a person) sexually attractive n 15. the manner in which something fits 16. the act or process of fitting 17....
Сохранить Добавитьвколлекцию Add to Plan Поделитьсячерез Facebook x.com LinkedIn Адресэлектроннойпочты Печать Wellbees Статья 19.10.2024 Участники: 3 Обратнаясвязь...
So, that’s the datapoint I use to autoregulate my runs; I check my pace. As long as I’m running faster than a 13 minute/mile, I keep running. And when I see my pace drop below 13 minutes/mile for a couple checks, I’m done. Usually, my pace drops off really fast. Sometime...
You can add this installation method to your package README install.packages("<package-name>", repos = "https://ropensci.r-universe.dev") thanks to R-universe. Should you want to acknowledge your reviewers in your package DESCRIPTION, you can do so by making them "rev"-type contributors...
Let’s step away from reality and the variable nature of change and let ourselves imagine that it is easy to add new habits and to expand our lives. Imagine that we can wave that wand and put ourselves into the middle of a system that is already working well and supporting our plans. ...
travis: drop node 0.12 support Feb 4, 2016 CHANGELOG.md add 6.0.7 to changelog Feb 19, 2016 LICENSE initial commit Jan 27, 2015 README.md README: use standard-format instead of--format Feb 22, 2016 RULES.md readme: add one more gotcha ...
Hi, I need some help achieving the following. How to limit URL image size in MS Access form. Reduce size to match the container. ie the image is...
Want to try out my 21 day program to help you see some serious results and get you on the right track? Drop me a line, or take a lookhereto learn more! In health, Dani Two years ago, I was unintentionally poisoning myself. I was taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid in it....
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