美国电影协会(The American Film Institute)近日公布了一份新的“电影史100部最伟大影片”(100 Greatest Movies of All Time)名单,这份名单是由众多导演、编剧、演员、编辑、摄像、影评人和历史学家共同评选出来的,和该学会10年前——1996年公布的那份旧的名单相比,这份名单有了一些值得注意的变化。 奥逊·威尔斯...
美国电影学院(AFI)再次评选出影史100部最伟大电影-[电影快讯]2007-06-2212:47|作者:Nemo 美国电影学院(TheAmericanFilmInstitute)近日公布了一份新的“电影史100部最伟大影片”(100GreatestMoviesofAllTime)名单,这份名单是由众多导演、编剧、演员、编辑、摄像、影评人和历史学家共同评选出来的,和该学会10...
AFI's 100 YEARS...100 MOVIES the 100 greatest american movies of all time LEARN MORE The American Film Institute proudly curates lists to celebrate excellence in the art form. We believe their greatest impact is to inspire personal, passionate discussions about what makes a great film and ...
美国电影学院(The American Film Institute)近日公布了一份新的“电影史100部最伟大影片”(100 Greatest Movies of All Time)名单,这份名单是由众多导演、编剧、演员、编辑、摄像、影评人和历史学家共同评选出来的,和该学会10年前——1996年公布的那份旧的名单相比,这份名单有了一些值得注意的变化。 奥逊·威尔斯的...
美国电影学院(afi)再次评选出影史100部最伟大电影(TheAmerican FilmInstitute(AFI)againselectedthe100greatestmovies ofalltime) TheAmericanFilmInstitute(AFI)againselectedthe100 greatestmovieever-[movienews]2007-06-22Author:Nemo12:47 | TheAmericanFilmInstitute(TheAmericanFilmInstitute) recentlyreleasedanew"100grea...
AFI'S 100 YEARS...100 MOVIES — 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION the 100 greatest american films of all time LEARN MORE The American Film Institute proudly curates lists to celebrate excellence in the art form. We believe their greatest impact is to inspire personal, passionate discussions about what ...
100 GREATEST AMERICAN FILMS OF ALL TIME AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies – 10th Anniversary Edition is an updated edition to AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies, a list of the top 100 greatest American films of all time. Honoring the 10th anniversary of this award-winning series, a jury of 1...
AFI百年百大电影(AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies)10周年版发布于2007年1月18日,是对1998年版AFI百年百大电影的更新。 美国电影学会从400片提名电影中,评选出100片百年来最伟大电影名单的更新版,作为美国电影学会的“百年百大”系列的一重要部分——“AFI百年百大电影(10周年版)”“AFI's 100 Years... 100 ...
AFI's 100 YEARS...100 PASSIONS the 100 greatest love stories of all time AFI's 100 YEARS...100 THRILLS the 100 most thrilling american films AFI's 100 YEARS...100 LAUGHS the 100 funniest american movies of all time AFI's 100 YEARS...100 STARS AFI's 100 YEARS OF FILM SCORES AFI...