The great news is now, having laid this all out in black and white, we can set the SIGAR report on the shelf alongside a similar one for Iraq (where the watchdog was creatively called SIGIR, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction) knowing it will never, ever ever happen this ...
“white” Special Forces, which are supposed to wage a counterinsurgency in support of the Afghan government by holding key terrain and building up local militias, as opposed to the “black” Special Forces of the Joint Special Operations Command that launch night raids and work on covert, ...
Afghanistan (Pashto/Dari: افغانستان)[1] is a country in South Asia which borders the Arabian Sea to the south, India to the east and Iran to the west. Afghanistan was the scene of the defeat of the Soviet Union in the Soviet-Afghan war of 1979–1988. In the...
In November, President Donald Trump's administration said it would sharply cut the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan from 4,500 to 2,500 by mid-January, stopping short of a threatened full withdrawal from America's longest war after fierce opposition from allies at h...
One thing is certain: The U.S. military succeeded in arming the Taliban (captured military equipment; photo from The Guardian) W.J. Astore The headlines claim America’s war in Afghanistan has finally ended, but of course no war ends just because someone claims it to be so. The Afghan ...
these corporations in the White House insists on not observing the Kyoto accord, with the knowledge that the statistic speaks of the death and displacement of the millions of human beings because of that, especially in Africa." As if Bin Laden gives a shit about global warming or black ...
Readers have known for a while Afghanistan wasnever about the opium trade or the war on terrorbut rather the massive deposit of minerals essential for renewable energies. So in the Economic Hit Man context, why would the Biden administration suddenly pull out of Afghanistan after 20 years if th...
Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan . By Lisa Gilman. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2016. Pp. ix + 248, 4 black-and-white illustrations, notes, references, index.) My Music, My War is a wonderful addition to the scholarship on military folklore that Lisa Gilman and others have ...
There is no peace in the quest to is of the Devils game, pawns mis-used upon masonic black and white squares. The US republic restored in the vision of Kennedy and lincoln and all else would follow in harmony. The epicenter of this web is the corrupt central banks.. once ...
The chaotic end to America's longest war has sparked the biggest crisis of President Joe Biden's seven months in the White House, finger-pointing within the administration and questions about who, if anyone, would be held responsible.