UNITED NATIONS, March 11 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday called for maintaining engagement with the Afghan interim government and expanding humanitarian assistance and economic cooperation for the country. "Today, Afghanistan remains largely stable with a steadily improving economy and dynamic external relati...
Afghanistan has experienced at least seven political systems and 10 forms of government in the last 100 years that starts with absolute monarchy and ends with today’s republic. Absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, socialist republic, republic, Islamic government, Islamic emirate and Islamic repub...
There must be increased spending on public health to dramatically improve life-expectancy outcomes of children, many of whom are having to live with life-altering injuries due to being caught up in the conflict. The international community must work with the government of Afghanistan to ensure nati...
Eventually, the inability of the Afghan government to exert control throughout the country prompted it to seek reconciliation with the Taliban. In 2021 the last remaining U.S. troops in the country began to leave Afghanistan. As they withdrew, Taliban forces quickly took control of many parts ...
Turkey ends former Afghan government’s diplomatic tenure, paving way for Taliban-appointed mission Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year]February 8 3 police officers killed in an attack by militants in northwestern Pakistan ...
Alamdar Road, Quetta (file photo): Shia Hazara protestors with coffins of those killed in a 2012 attack sit in the freezing cold to demand government action. #NeverForget Anotherattack at a Shia Imambargahin Peshawar. More loss of innocent lives as the “good” Taliban strike again. The Pak...
An Afghan police commander walked up to the car she sat in with Kathy Gannon outside a government compound in Khost, where they were covering the presidential election for the AP. Anja, 48, died instantly. Seven bullets shattered Kathy’s arms and shoulders. The Afghan doctor who initially ...
Today the country is an economic and social basket case. Government spending accounts for 57% of the entire (non-opium) Gross Domestic Product. A large proportion of that government spending is devoted to security, although that hasn't succeeded in defeating the Taliban insurgency in the south ...
[Today, no government officially recognizes the Taliban, though several governments do have diplomatic relations with them.] This impunity is a direct result of the international community’s policy of appeasement of the Taliban over the past three years. If we hope to see a change in the ...
“We are profoundly appreciative of the skill, care, and determination demonstrated by all involved,” McKenty’s family said in a statement thanking US and Qatari government officials. “This has been an extremely challenging time for our family, and we are relieved to finally have Bill back ...