All missions are dynamically generated with random enemy unit groups for all mission types. Choose between several eras of aerial combat operations to enjoy any and all available DCS modules! Available missions include; Air, ground, sea, convoy hunts, and helo attack missions. Compatible with Dynam...
There is a small quantity of ‘moderate’ bands that decided to cooperate and are now sending intel to Russians and Syrian army as to the locations of ISIS/Al Nusra and others. Such turncoats, per Russian military, are one of the best sources of ground intel for their operations. The abo...
“black” Special Forces of the Joint Special Operations Command that launch night raids and work on covert, cross-border operations with the CIA. Not that the Green Berets didn’t hunt the bad guys. The 1st Battalion would face heavy fighting in Wardak; by the end of the deployment, five...
With no regard to what leakage into the global black arms market might mean, Biden is sending billions of top-notch weapons into the nation with the avowed aim of bleeding out Russia. When something like this was tried in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the U.S. had the common courtesy to ...
A plane carrying WHO medicines and health supplies landed in Afghanistan today, 30 August, at 12:25 pm local time. This is the first shipment of medical supplies to land in Afghanistan since the country came under control of the Taliban authorities. “After days of non-stop work to find a...
Photographs of a Black Hawk Medevac unit in Afghanistan are presented, including a picture of a U.S. medical crew rushing a wounded marine onto a military medical helicopter, medevac crew members treating the wounded marine, and a marine carrying a wounded Afghan child.Nachtwey...
Green Tea/Black Tea $2.99 Can $1.99 Nestea $3.99 Juice $3.99 Smoothies Strawberry Banana $5.99 Mango Pineapple $5.99 Berry Berry $5.99 Dessert Creamy home-made pudding spiced with crushed cardamom seeds $3.99 Cheesy Cheese Pizza Open baked individual cheese pizza served with fries $10....
But because it seemed to him that occupying himself by talking to the little girl about the goat and its butting was more important than occupying himself with the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers, we were given three times the period required to execute the operations - all praise...
„Since the black day of April 28, 1992 when fundamentalist savages seized control of our country our people have daily been witness to untold crimes the fun- damentalist traitors have perpetrated [...]." (RAWA-Erklärung, 28.04.1999) RAWA hat aus Anlass des Jahrestages dieser Machtü...
Black Hawk Down –Based on a book about the Battle of Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down tells about a combined mission between Army Rangers, Delta Force soldiers and the Special Operations Aviation Regiment to capture a Somali warlord. Things go haywire when two Black Hawk helicopters are shot down, ...