IS ICE JUST THE BEGINNING OF A SOLELY DHS FOCUSED UNION? FLRA has approved AFGE’s request that it no longer be considered the exclusive representative of Immigration & Citizenship Enforcement (ICE) employees. From all we have heard and read, the … Continue reading → Posted in AFGE | Tagge...
David Cox faced the president's extension of the hated pay freeze, the embarrassing indictment of the former president of AFGE's Border Patrol council, and an accelerating presidential election campaign that has made federal employees and their pay a key issue.Federal Times...
As a result, privatization is a major concern to DoD civil servants and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) federal labor union members. This qualitative study's research question focused on the core values, attitudes, and beliefs regarding the privatization experiences of federal ...
Frank Swoboda
As a result, privatization is a major concern to DoD civil servants and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) federal labor union members. This qualitative study's research question focused on the core values, attitudes, and beliefs regarding the privatization experiences of federal ...