Writer, Director, Actor. 4+ years of film and television experience. Dedicated to the craft and driven for success.SEE MORE… Brett Magdee Brett Magdee received his first camera as a present when he was 7 years old and fell in love with photography. Over the past 13 years Brett has don...
Many dedicated astronomy filters are made to filter out everything but a very narrow band of light, specifically for targeting certain parts of the spectrum, like infrared or Hydrogen Alpha. These narrow band filters are usually best reserved for shooting on a full-spectrum camera or dedicated...
1927: Brownie camera cogdogblog // Wikimedia Commons 1927: Brownie camera When the Brownie camera,invented in 1900 by Kodak, was released, it was the first time the public could enjoy photography as a hobby, thanks to its non-prohibitive price point. 1928: Dubble Bubble James Green // fli...
We also offer introduction workshops to film. In this workshop we discuss all things film camera. It is the perfect workshop if you want to get into using film cameras or have recently got one and are unsure how to get started. As well as the above, we also run: - Photo walks- Soc...