OVERNIGHT CHECK IN: after 6 pm or 9 pm |CHECK OUT: 11 am |NO PETS ALLOWED Convenient and Affordable Rooms in the Bronx Walk-Ins Only - First Come, First Serve Visit Us Today! Enjoy a comfortable and affordable stay at The Oasis Motel in Bronx, NY!
So why not try a? The– with their glaciers and villages; the picturesque town centres with their colourful, elegant roofs and facades; the many lakes and the typical flora and fauna of the Swiss cantons… Not forgetting the cultural side of the museums part, and so on. It’s all on ...
Great location, right near a tube. Loads of restaurants nearby, Starbucks, Greggs & loads of other stuff right on the doorstep. Hotel doesn’t offer parking but there is one for £20 a night around 5-10min walk away which was perfect for me on ‘Bloomsbury Square’.Hotel is absolutely...
Looking back, some of my all-time favorite Rocky Mountain vistas were earned via my own footpower. While researching hikes near Telluride, I discovered the steep yet epic Bear Creek Trail culminating in a breathtaking canyon panorama. Parking at the trailhead reputedly filled up early, requi...
I choose to stay overnight as i needed to travel far up north to penang the next day. It is okay if you are looking to just stay the night. The unit that was assigned for me had many dolls, and as a solo traveler, i wasn’t comfortable with that. Besides, there wasnt any dressi...
位于马拉特的公寓套间(16平方米)-带1个独立浴室可应要求提供机场接送服务。或需额外付费。如需使用,请于付款前在预订页面勾选此服务。 从位于马拉特的公寓套间(16平方米)-带1个独立浴室出发步行可到达哪些景点? 在位于马拉特的公寓套间(16平方米)-带1个独立浴室入住期间,您可以步行前往San Andres Market、马拉特区...