Our team has a deep understanding of the challenges that students face when it comes to choosing a college. We know that it can be overwhelming to sift through the countless options and try to figure out which schools are within your budget. That’s why we’ve designed our platform to be...
We help you discover affordable schools, choose your major and career, find scholarships, compare costs, pay for college, and realize your dreams. Featured in: Win up to $15,000 in college funds. You could win a Citizens Scholarship! Every month, we’re giving one student $2,500 for col...
Designed to make your job easier, College Raptor provides counselors, high schools, and independent advocates innovative tools to help students find their best college fit, families find the best financial aid possible, and everyone build a robust plan in minutes. Leverage our platform Privacy...
Freshman: Williams College is often considered one of the best schools because of its incredible sense of community. The people here truly make the place special, fostering an environment where everyone encourages each other to excel. Whether it’s through late-night study sessions, cheering each ...
Here's an overview of what prospective online college students in Ohio can choose from: Over 100 institutions offer distance learning, evenly split between public and private schools. Of the private, nonprofit online colleges in Ohio, 25-plus are faith-based institutions. Almost 80 colleges offer...
Programs for bachelors, masters and phD degrees are available from accredited schools across the nation. Geography does not have to be a barrier to obtaining your degree. An online college program website can provide you with the information you need about curriculum, accreditation, financial aid,...
Whether online or on-campus, students should always check to see if the schools they are considering are accredited (for specifics about why, visit our "What is College Accreditation?" page). Regional accreditation in Maine is provided through the New England Commission of Higher Education (...
Lake City, FL | 4 years | Online + Campus | Public Florida Gateway College Intelligent Score: 97.33 Undergraduate Tuition In-state: $22,670 Out-of-state: $32,583 Graduate Tuition In-state: NA Out-of-state: NA Test scores SAT: N/A ...
#50. Berea College Berea, Kentucky Website Tuition: $45,092 Berea College has proven itself a model of green higher education. Not only did it have the first LEED-certified building in Kentucky, that building successfully achieved LEED Platinum. Berea’s Ecovillage residential complex provides fif...
including the ratio of students participating in distance education, available academic and career services, and the percent of students that are awarded financial aid. For details on how each of the criteria we use affects the online student experience, see the "What Makes a Good Online College...