Six weeks later, I picked up the rifles and hauled them to the range. Admittedly, they both felt much tighter than before the bedding. The Scout, in particular felt like a single solid unit and had no visible gaps where the receiver met the walnut stock. When I took the rifle apart to...
These open sights are all I have on my 9.3x62mm and they are quite adequate for short to medium range work although I plan to upgrade the open sights to a fixed open “V” rear and an optic fiber front. I will also put a riflescope on it in the coming months, most likely somethin...
My Nitro Special was a 12 gauge made in 1929, and it was a solid and reliable performer as long as I remembered not to press my cheek too firmly against the stock, which had a lot of drop. If I got my face in too tight against that stock the shot would go low. Perhaps the most...
The Sniper Rifle Model 101 or Hopper for short, was manufactured by WWC as a long range anti-material and anti-personal rifle for special agents who needed to remove important targets at long ranges. This required much tinkering as traditional sniper rifles left a long beam trail when shot, ...