Affordable Housing Proposal Riles Fairfax County (Posted 2013-10-18 21:40:07) ; Supervisor Pat Herrity,Jonathan O'Connell
Scroll through the below commonly asked questions and contact us if you have more. Who should apply? Qualification is based on household and income as noted in this chart. Area Median Income limits are established annually by Fairfax County’s Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) Rental Program. Contact...
Amazon’s $2 billion commitment to preserve and develop equitable transit-oriented affordable housing units, some 20,000 of them, overall will be handled through its Housing Development Fund created in January 2021. The beneficiaries of it are all located in one of its three major centers, being...
“Fairfax County’s Housing Blueprint reflects our belief that housing should be affordable to a range of households. This ranges from people coming out of homelessness, to people with special needs, to low-income workers who work here but cannot afford to live here, and our more moderate in...