Affordable Housing Is Aim of New Suburban GroupByline: Victoria Pierce Daily Herald Staff Writer Imagine finding a three-bedroom home in...Pierce, Victoria
Lack of affordable housing draws 47 walkers to benefit.(News)Byline: Gala M. Pierce Daily Herald Staff Writer Joanne Erickson and Olivia Flanigan thought...Pierce, Gala M
Advocates speak up for affordable housing.(News)Byline: Gala M. Pierce Daily Herald Staff Writer Streamwood native Billy Pope has learned...Pierce, Gala M
Advocates Speak Up for Affordable HousingByline: Gala M. Pierce Daily Herald Staff Writer Streamwood native Billy Pope has learned...By PierceGala M
The site is located off Blountstown Highway, on the northwest side of Tallahassee, in Leon County (See Figure 1). Collectively, the physical locations of the CESC’s three housing options are situated in a triangle, providing convenient access to each other. While The Dwellings currently lacks...