Founded in 1939, the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority (NNRHA) is the primary provider of new homebuyer opportunities and affordable housing for lower and moderate income families on the Virginia peninsula. The NNRHA is the redevelopment arm for the City of Newport News and acquires...
That surreal 3D-printed home built and sold to Romas in Newport News, Virginia, offers one potential tool to combat the growing affordable housing problem, which the National Low Income Housing Coalition says has grownto a need for more than 7 million homes. The Habitat for...
When they get together, they’ll assess their tasks: to study the town’s existing plan for affordable housing; inventory the sites that may be suitable for affordable housing; track the availability of those properties, and determine how to purchase and fund those sites. Yearwood is proud that...
IHDA and LISC launch the Next Gen Capacity Building Initiative to meet the rising need for affordable housing. Governor Pritzker champions tax relief and housing quality, empowering BIPOC developers to enhance inclusivity in the industry and address dive
Housing Commission Eyes Major Transition Transit Withdrawal Before Council Transition « Older Stories Stopped. Watched. City Hall Seat cushion set up in the corner of council chambers, with this note: “Gratefully and Respectfully Reserved for Dave Askins.” [photo] Tonight is The Chronicle’s la...
ZEDpods offers a truly low-energy, high-quality, affordable modular homes that go over car parks & other open spaces. Using land that cannot otherwise be developed. Designed to address 21st-century housing problems.
For investors, the affordable housing sector comes with an additional plus point; fulfilling their own ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria. “More environmentally and socially conscious stakeholders have heightened the pressure on investment managers’ decision-making,” says Hirst. “That...