竞赛主题 为拉斯维加斯的经济适用房设计一个概念,该概念可以轻松推出以增加住房容量,并且对土地和材料的使用最少。没有规定每块住宅单元的最小尺寸或数量。这些建议应该足够灵活,以适应具有不同居住容量要求的不同规模。拉斯维加斯经济适用房挑战赛的设计应灵活适用于全市的不同地点。设计还应具有适应性,允许进行调...
We’d like to take the opportunity to introduce you to one of our Honorable mention winners for our "Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge" competition – Gantumur Bujinlkham, Lujain Ahmad Mohamadamen and Sara Ardalan Hussein from Hungary!
We’d like to take the opportunity to introduce you to one of our Honorable mention winners for our "Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge" competition – Liam Bargerhuff and Patrick Kotowski from Poland! Liam Bargerhuff and Patrick Kotowski from Poland ...
The PulteGroup® Charitable Foundation focuses on educating the next generation of homebuilders, meeting housing needs, and giving back to our active Military Members and Veterans. In 2022, we donated over $1.8M to nearly 300 charities.
Looking for new build communities in Dallas? Discover new home communities with to be built and move-in ready homes by Centex Homes. Visit today.
Quigley SROs show affordable housing is possible in Las Vegas Focuses on the partnership of architect Rob Wellington Quigley with developer Tom Hom to build two single-room-occupancy (SRO) apartment developments in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Funding for the mixed-used projects that combine apartm...
Join our VIP List Spacious Gathering Room Located in Waller Zoned to Waller ISD Amenity Pool Area Amenity Area Park Take a splash in the pool Annona Floorplan Gathering Room Spacious Kitchen Bagwell Floorplan Modern Kitchen Gathering Room
If so, you may need to get on the waiting list. If you choose to live off post or housing is unavailable, NEVER sign a lease on a house sight unseen. You are going to a place you have never been. The pictures may look great, but what they are not showing you is the area of ...
Find out who made the AHF 50 top developers list, based on the number of affordable housing unit starts last year.
Focuses on the partnership of architect Rob Wellington Quigley with developer Tom Hom to build two single-room-occupancy (SRO) apartment developments in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Funding for the mixed-used projects that combine apartments with retail and restaurant space; Aim of the SRO projects...