Affordable Housing Cut from KapoleiWhen the state offered 40 acres in Kapolei for private development of affordable housing several...Gomes, Andrew
The five-member Purdy family gather in one of two bedrooms they share in a house they rent with extended family in Kapolei, Hawaii, on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. The family moved to Las Vegas in 2017 to escape Hawaii’s high cost of living and returned last year and share two bedrooms...
The five-member Purdy family gather in one of two bedrooms they share in a house they rent with extended family in Kapolei, Hawaii, on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. The family moved to Las Vegas in 2017 to escape Hawaii’s high cost of living and returned last year and share two bedrooms...
Plan, design and develop an affordable housing project on a vacant parcel within the east kapoleicompetitionlineCompetitionline