At the same time, affordable housing can mean different things in different communities and among different actors. Is affordable housing about providing broad housing opportunities to most people who could live in a region? Or is it for lower-income residents? Or is it for seniors? When suburbs...
With 24-hour supervision, the integrated short-term/permanent housing project aims to create a continuum for both sets of residents, with comprehensive on-site support and individualized case workers available to all. Staff members from Mercy House, a California-based homeless service provider, will ...
5. Mercy HousingMercy Housing has helped more than 152,000 low-income households — including single moms and their children — find and keep safe, affordable rental housing. The nonprofit also helps seniors, special needs individuals, homeless people, and veterans....
That would generate $50,000 for the new Affordable Housing Trust Fund. More would be added from other related zoning permit transactions. The Glendinning Place proposal could add over $50,000 to Westport’s new Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The Fund would be used to purchase land, and for ...
The project’s extensive landscaping provides residents opportunities for physical activities outdoors. “In this neighborhood,” Mosher says, “there are not a lot of welcoming outdoor spaces; that was one of the goals of the project, to give seniors a place to walk around where they could fe...
“This is the story. . . . This park used to be for seniors and now it’s not, and we have no place else to go,” groused one woman, who broke from a game of poker in the clubhouse to lodge a complaint with a visitor. She declined to be identified. ...
Addiction and Mental Health Services. The AMHS-KFLA has walk-in services, as well as a 24/7 crisis line. If you are not in crisis and looking for information on addiction, this website will be a one-stop shop. Their staff can help with housing and legal issues too. ...