In a 6-1 ruling Thursday, the high court said that despite the fact police made a mistake, excluding the evidence in Sokha Tim’s case would ultimately harm the reputation of the criminal justice system. After Tim crashed his car, a police officer noticed a small bag in the vehicle con...
8.1 Subscribers must pay certain charges in order to receive the relevant subscription Service (unless we agree otherwise for a trial period). In most cases, details of applicable charges can be found on the specific Sites relating to the relevant subscription Service. Where charges are not pub...
In a non-precedential decision, the Federal Circuit has affirmed a set of PTAB decisions canceling the claims of four patents owned by Carucel Investments L.P. (“Carucel”) — finding them invalid as obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103. See Carucel Invs. L.P. v. Vidal, Nos. 2021-17...
KUWAIT: Moody’s has affirmed Warba Bank’s credit ratings as follows: baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA at ‘ba3’, counterparty risk assessment at ‘Baa1(cr)/P-2(cr)’, bank deposits at ‘Baa2/P-2’ and counterparty risk at ‘Baa1/P-2’
SAUDI ARABIA: Fitch has affirmed Saudi British Bank (SABB)’s long-term issuer default rating of ‘BBB+’ with a negative outlook, as well as a viability rating of ‘bbb+’, a statement read. The agency has also removed the bank from Rating Watch Negative, under which it was placed in...
MALAYSIA: MARC has affirmed its rating of ‘AA-IS’ on Evyap Sabun Malaysia’s RM500 million (US$118.09 million) Sukuk Wakalah program with a stable outlook, according to a press release. The rating is premised on Evyap Malaysia’s strong domestic market
GLOBAL: Moody’s has affirmed the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm)’s ‘Aa1’ issuer and senior unsecured bond ratings with a stable outlook. The affirmation also applies to the IFFIm Sukuk Company III-backed senior unsecured ‘Aa1
KUWAIT: Fitch has affirmed Warba Bank’s long-term issuer default rating (IDR) at ‘A+/Stable’, short-term IDR at ‘F1’, support rating at ‘1’, support rating floor at ‘A+’ and viability rating at ‘bb-’ which has been placed on rating watch negat
MALAYSIA: CIMB Islamic’s financial institution ratings of ‘AAA/MARC-1/Stable’ have been affirmed by MARC, according to a statement. The ratings on the bank’s RM10 billion (US$2.4 billion) senior Sukuk Wakalah program and RM5 billion (US$1.2 billion)
MALAYSIA: MARC has affirmed the ‘AAAIS’ rating on TNB Western Energy (TNB Western)’s outstanding Sukuk of RM3.7 billion (US$883.12 million) with a stable outlook, a press release confirmed. TNB Western’s rating is equalized to its parent company Tena