Affirmative Action.Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. A Brief History of Affirmative Action.University of California, Irvine: Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity. The Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action on Minority and Female Employment: A Natural Experiment Approach Using State-Level Affirmative...
The meaning of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is the use of policies, legislation, programs, and procedures to improve the educational or employment opportunities of members of certain demographic groups (such as minority groups, women, and older people) as a remedy
Affirmative Action in U.S. history. Understand the definition of affirmative action, learn about its implementation and history, and study examples...
Definition of Affirmative Action in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Affirmative Action? Meaning of Affirmative Action as a legal term. What does Affirmative Action mean in law?
1 :an expression (as the wordyes) of agreement 2 :the affirmative side in a debate or vote Legal Definition affirmative adjective af·fir·ma·tiveə-ˈfər-mə-tiv 1 :asserting the existence of certain facts especially in support of a cause of action ...
action. For example, a plaintiff may demand compensation for damage done to his or her vehicle in an automobile accident. Without denying responsibility for the accident, the defendant may claim to have an affirmative defense, such as the plain-tiff's contributoryNegligenceor expiration of the...
Definition and Overview Few topics are debated as widely as affirmative action, especially as sound arguments exist both for and against the practice. Affirmative action involves showing a preference for selecting and/or promoting members of a demographic or minority group with a history of discrimi...
The fact that, in most cases, a minority student will get accepted over a white student with the same or almost the same qualifications is causing controversy all over the nation. This is precisely the definition of affirmative action. In an excerpt titled Affirmative Action and the College Adm...
Positive action; Positive discrimination; Reservation (in India) Definition Affirmative Action (AA) is a debated topic in many fields of study; however, psychology and juridical research have paid major attention. AA consists of a body of policies and procedures aimed at eliminating discrimination at...
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