interest to officials who direct such programs: (1) Affirmative action preferences given by top-tier universities have been large; (2) affirmative action leads minorities to enroll in higher-quality institutions; and (3) affirmative action has mostly positive effects on minority students later in ...
In grammar, an affirmative clause is positive and does not contain a negative word.affirmative 单语例句 1. Malaysia's minority ethnic Indians and Chinese have been chafing at an affirmative action program for the Malay majority. 2. It is time we thought about adopting " affirmative action "...
Related to affirmative action:Affirmative Action Plan affirmative action n. A policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...
Related to affirmative action:Affirmative Action Plan affirmative action,in the United States, programs to overcome the effects of past societal discrimination by allocating jobs and resources to members of specific groups, such as minorities and women. The policy was implemented by federal agencies enf...
Companies that implement affirmative action policies project a positive image of being socially responsible and committed to diversity and equality. Such organizations are often viewed favorably by consumers, investors, and potential employees, who value and support inclusive practices. By aligning with soc...
The positive and negative framing of affirmative action: A group dominance perspective Using a sample of 328 White, Latino, and Black Los Angeles County adults, the authors examined the tendency to employ various affirmative action "frames" (... Haley,H. - 《Personality & Social Psychology Bulle...
and so could be both unfair and inefficient. Supporters claim that affirmative action is necessary to overcome the many inherent disadvantages faced by minorities and women, and could enhance efficiency by expanding the pool of available talent or because diversity itself has positive impacts. This ar...
The nature of these outcomes appears to depend on the specifics of the affirmative action implementation plan. We note the need for further research examining these three critical areas of affirmative action and for further investigations exploring factors that may facilitate the positive consequences ...
PositiveEffectsofFamilies ColinPowell OprahWinfrey Shorris:roleoffamiliesineducation AdverseEffectsofFamilies Yvette(Anderson:CodeoftheStreet) Shorris:downsideoffamilia,familism ACentralConcern:SingleParentFamilies Aresingleparentfamiliesmoreprevalentamongracialandethnicminoritygroups? Whataresomeofthedifferencesinlifecha...
Colleges and universities may no longer factor race into admissions after the Supreme Court ruled to end affirmative action in June 2023; affirmative action has faced many challenges in the court system in the past, and this decision will have far-reaching effects in the realm of higher education...