Define affirmative action. affirmative action synonyms, affirmative action pronunciation, affirmative action translation, English dictionary definition of affirmative action. n. A policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through acti
The meaning of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is the use of policies, legislation, programs, and procedures to improve the educational or employment opportunities of members of certain demographic groups (such as minority groups, women, and older people) as a remedy
Affirmative action is the name given to efforts at encouraging the participation of women and minorities in education, the workforce, the military and other arenas. Since the 1960s, affirmative action has been an important part of federal and state governments in the United States and other countr...
Affirmative Action Definition and Legal Meaning On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Affirmative Action, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Affirmative Action? n. an administration that is subordinate on, or is subordinate to, ...
affirmative action definition affirmative action definition发音 意思翻译 肯定行动定义 相似词语短语 affirmative action───肯定行动,平权行动 affirmative actions───肯定行动,平权行动 affirmative-action───肯定行动,平权行动 alternative conjunction───替代连词 ...
For affirmative action's strongest supporters, explaining the new harshness in the policy's politics is a matter of going back to the beginning. They point out that affirmative action was never supposed to be painless. Making room for groups that have historically suffered discrimination means that...
Affirmative Action: Definition and Effects on Diversity in the Workplace 4:11 6:00 Next Lesson Work-Life Balance | Definition & Examples Ch 10. Perception & Attributional Bias in... Ch 11. Learning in the Workplace Ch 12. Understanding Employee... Ch 13. Individual Decision Making ...
Martin Luther King, Jr. fought against institutionalized policies of division and inequality, like racial segregation. Read Affirmative Action History & Examples | Affirmative Action in the US Lesson Recommended for You Video: Persecution | Definition & Examples Video: Social Order | Definition, ...
Application of Affirmative Action Law in New Zealand: Uncertainty in Coverage, Definition and Resultsaffirmativeactionminoritypolicypublic educationemploymentjustificationNew ZealandindigenousThe term "affirmative action" refers to policies designed to benefit particular minority groups in society. Such policies ...
(redirected from Affirmative Action Programs in Higher Education) Education Law The body of state and federal constitutional provisions; local, state, and federal statutes; court opinions; and government regulations that provide the legal framework for educational institutions. The laws that control ...