But even Hewlett-Packard, which in cludes good citizenship as one of its stated corporate objectives, has finite re sources for social action, If you want to broaden the stream of young people flow ing into the sciences, so that eventually more minorities and women will be rep...
As University of California, Los Angeles, law professor Richard Sander and legal journalist Stuart Taylor, Jr., describe in their important, recently released book,Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It's Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won't Admit It, one consequence of widespr...
Still, it is the battle to roll back affirmative action--first at the UC system and now statewide--that has cemented the Wilson-Connerly alliance as never before. “I was a Ward Connerly fan a long time ago,” says Wilson. “But I am both very proud and very grateful for the kind o...