Affinity Photo VS Photoshop(二):新建对于普通用户来说,AP和PS的“新建”功能几乎一样。在使用上并没有什么“不够用”的情况发生。 同样都支持从预设的模板新建,也支持自定义尺寸、单位、颜色格式等。 不同…
【CC字幕】【全集】Affinity Photo 官方教程 (最新1.7版) 101 -- 5:42 App Making Colours Pop (Affinity Photo iPad) 50.3万 600 5:56 App iPad版Photoshop 1小时使用感受! 3548 9 2:56:55 App Affinity Photo for iPad Tutorials 96 -- 4:55 App xStoring Channels as Selections (Affinity Photo ...
As this out of gamut inconsistency issue has been going on for years, I would have expected the publisher to resolve this by now--I for one would then feel ok for setting up my art print from Affinity Photo, and say goodbye to Photoshop. Quote Genius is dedication. Join the convers...
照片是几年前拍的,这地方在内蒙古。应模特要求,没敢给人家改脸,人家是两个孩子的妈……———不定期更新,下次修脸。———BGM:Fall Again(instrumental)- Jonas Schmi
With Serif's Affinity Photo offering a budget alternative to Adobe Photoshop, is it time to switch your image editor?
Adobe charges a lot of money for Photoshop, and Affinity Photo is a great alternative if you want to save some money.
当然是Photoshop iPad版啦,可惜国内不好用,所以暂时不谈。然后我发现了Affinity Photo,大概了解下我发现,它和Photoshop太像啦。 左边是Photoshop(后面简称PS),右边是Affinity Photo(后面简称AP)。 第一印象是什么?PS真专业,而AP呢,就像个玩具一样。PS的上下左右都充满的按钮,窗口,操作信息。而AP呢,只有一些让人摸...
2.创建可自定义的工作区 我们大多数人可能会将我们的工具和桌面环境视为工作空间,在Affinity Photo中,这些是“角色”。 每个角色都配备了一套为手头任务而制作的工具 - 有五种可供选择 - 因此你可以在项目之间进行切换。 你还可以设置工作区以适合你的个人品味,可选择明暗界面。 还有可自定义的工具栏和更多的键...
Affinity Photo software is used for the creation of texts for frames. Headlines of advertisement body copies also use it. Read hereKrita vs. Photoshop Affinity Photo Features Affinity provides photo software users with the ability to create perfect designs. This is possible through advanced grids, ...
Hi Can someone tell me the difference between Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer? Do you need both of these to work with raster images /photo editing and work with vectors? I had the impression that you could work with vectors/draw logos/illustrations