Check out the complete feature list and system requirements for Affinity Designer to see how it’s revolutionizing the way thousands of professionals work.
Use the tool to manipulate image composition either by using unconstrained or specific built-in aspect ratios (e.g. 4:3) or fixed print sizes (e.g. 6in x 4in). If needed, straightening a photo is easily performed by selectingStraightenon the context toolbar and then dragging along a li...
No , I have a color pallete with 4 colors in it, I want to recolor every pixel/image layer to those 4 different colors. like cherries to red and grapes to purple etc, I can't use recolor because I have to use specific hex codes. ...
Affinity Designer’s Measure and Area tools come to Publisher (for desktop only) Disable auto-selection with Move Tool, plus⌘-click (Ctrl-click) override* Keyboard shortcuts for layer blend modes Adjust stroke width using Node Tool or shape tools using[or]keys ...
designer feature (and 2 more) False color values in documents using different color profiles Markus Dierolfreplied toMarkus Dierolf's topic inPre-V2 Archive of Affinity on Desktop Questions (macOS and Windows) Thanks for the information, although it unfortunately doesn't solve my problem. I will...