However, in V2 there is an unresolved problem where the imported LUTs do not show up in the LUT category you're adding them to. The approach in steps 1-4 will save it, but I haven't figured out how to control which LUT category it's added to, yet. Quote -- Walt Designer, ...
Affinity Designer 1.9.1- Powerful contour tool to create abstract objects or increase the width of single open curves- Select Same to efficiently match attributes such as fill color, stroke color, stroke weight, transparency, blend mode or shape type- Select Object to select all objects of a ...
Affinity Designer now includes a new width tool which is available by default alongside the pencil tool in your toolbar: The Line Width Tool gives you an on-document way of editing the pressure profile of any curve. For example the curve below has 3 pressure points (5 including the start ...
The option is greyed out because the Text Frame appears on the Master Page... To be able to convert it to curves you would first need to select the Master Page parent in the Layers panel, right-click and select Edit Detached (or select Edit: Detached in the Context toolbar). Convert ...
When I select the layers and text the subtract tool is greyed out. I've read a few other posts about similar subjects and it seems I have to convert to curves? But can't get my head around it or work out how to apply it all to my file. Been driving me mad all week so any he...
The Add produces a single Curve (with a pinched "waist") for me, so Separate Curves is greyed out and Divide Curves has no effect. Interesting I used: test5.afdesign And have the opposite effect. I wonder why they act so differently. Going to have to play with that a bit. Mine ...
I went to ungroup but it is greyed out. Is it possible to colour the various parts of the picture please? This is clearly a work in progress, and as such it’s perhaps not quite ready for the ‘Share your work’ section. Your question about separating and colouring the various ...