【教程】Affinity Designer iPad 版教程 62集 [中文字幕] [官网教程完整版] 4328 1 02:31:26 App Affinity Designer 2 for iPad FULL TUTORIAL 1.3万 15 02:57 App 【Affinity Designer for iPad 教程】第二集 置入图像 1.3万 42 12:18 App IPAD上的矢量绘画软件Affinity Designer 02 4.0万 43 06:43 Ap...
https://affinity.serif.com/tutorials/designer/ipad/ Some tutorial facts.. 62 video in total Seven tutorial categories Shot in 4k resolution Subtitling for eight languages (DE, FR, ES, IT, PT-BR, RU, JA, zh-Hans) Different tutors for specialist areas Here’s the full tutorial lis...
不知道有没有不了解矢量图,却好奇矢量图的制作过程的小伙伴,随手做了我家主子头像,用矢量图做头像是我的最爱,无限放大、无限次使用,我最近打算将一下矢量图,尽量讲透彻一点,毕竟这是我的吃饭家伙,哈哈!App:affinity designer工具:iPad Pro 2020 12.9寸#矢量图 #i
Affinity Designer for Ipad Tutorial Manual provides new users a great insight to this great graphic design tool. I offer a tutorial e-book for purchase.
I’m learning Affinity Designer on the ipad. Trying to convert from a desktop tutorial to the ipad is tough so look for lessons specifically for the Affinity version you have on an Ipad . Looking forward to the advanced to review what I had before. Posted vor 5 Monaten Tiff...
Du erfährst, wie du deine eigenen digitalen Planer-Sticker in Affinity Designer direkt auf deinem ipad erstellst. Wir beginnen mit den Grundlagen zum Verständnis der Symbolleisten und Funktionen im Affinity Designer-iPad-Arbeitsbereich und bauen dann uns...
Tutorial for Affinity Designer brings you video tutorials and basic training for new Affinity Designer Users! If you're just a beginner with this powerful vector graphic design tool, this is the app for you. If you're already an expert its probably not what you need. Inside you will find ...
To learn more about running headers, take a look at our full tutorial. Show / hide special characters Available on both desktop and iPad Windows, macOS and iPad In Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, you can now choose to show special characters – allowing you to see the hidden marku...
line looks as we want it to look in the end. In fact, Affinity Designer makes it really easy to amend segments and nodes, so tracing a rough line to start is just fine. For more insight on how to easily use the Pen tool (for beginners), check out Isabel Aracama’svideo tutorial. ...
could do blind folded with Photoshop have required a lot of exploration in Photo to find the same or equivalent function. A tutorial about moving from Photoshop (desktop version) to Photo for iPad would be super useful. A couple things on Photo (iPad) that took a long time to figure out...