Check out the complete feature list and system requirements for Affinity Designer to see how it’s revolutionising the way thousands of professionals work.
but I only recently started with Designer, and can't find the Straight Line tool? How would I create a straight line? (I did manage to create a straight line with the 'Rectangle Tool'... but of course this isn't the proper way) Quote 'One Aim' ...
Affinity Designer1.8.3【专业矢量图形设计软件】中文版 软件简介:Affinity Designer1.8.3是一款非常专业的设计绘图工具,它的速度最快,最流畅,最精确的矢量图形设计软件。软体功能上与Illustrator有些相似,可进行图标、UI设计、网站设计、宣传材料等图片制作,拥有丰富的图形设计工具,无论是网站的UI设计还是简单的绘图,都...
简介 7 天免费试用,无需注册。 试用期结束后,可在应用程序内一次性购买终身使用权。无需订阅。 作为新一代屡获殊荣的矢量制图软件,Affinity Designer 2 为设计领域树立了全新的行业标准。这款产品提供大量新功能和数百项增强功能,有助于优化您的工作流程,现在,您可以比以往更加无缝地创建高质量的概念艺术、插图、...
软件简介:Affinity Designer是一个专业的矢量图形设计软件。它是由Serif公司开发的,为设计师提供了一个功能强大且易于使用的工具集,可以创建高质量的矢量图形、图标、UI设计、插图等。以其卓越的性能,丰富的矢量工具集,跨平台兼容性和广泛的文件支持而闻名,Affinity Designer是许多设计师和创意专业人士的首选软件之一。该...
Screenshots Description FREE 7-day trial. One-off, in-app purchase for lifetime access after the trial. No subscription. The next generation of the award-winning vector graphics software, Affinity Designer 2 is setting the new industry standard in the world of design. Packed with tons of new...
Here is a quick overview of how Affinity Designer's Pen tool works. Watch the video below or scroll down for a short explanation of each of the features to explore. 01. Launch the Pen tool Bring up the Pen tool using the icon on the left-hand toolbar, or use the shortcut P. The...
“I often struggle with a lack of ideas, but Affinitober gave me an inspiration boost. Before I discovered Affinity Designer, I never thought I would ever learn how to draw digitally because the alternatives seemed so overwhelmingly complicated to even begin with. Affinity is so clear and user...
Affinity Designer for iPad has a decent set of core tools for creating vector graphics. You can create and edit shapes, draw curves, edit brushes, create symbols, add gradients and more. It’s one of the most feature rich iPad drawing apps I’ve used. ...
You can change a Pencil line's Stroke to 'Texture Line', after the fact; but not while drawing. Got it. The developers' choice of a double-sphere colour-picker for the vector Brush tool confused me – with no fill available, it can only have a stroke, right? (Even if the stroke ...