Adobe Illustrator 和 Affinity Designer 是两种流行的矢量图形设计工具。Adobe Illustrator 是一个老牌子,功能十分强大,但价格昂贵。Affinity Designer 是一种新近出现的软件,虽然功能相对较少,但它提供了一种更加流畅的用户体验,而且价格相当亲民,可以视为免费使用。具体而言,Adobe Illustrator 在目前的...
Affinity Designer 是一个功能强大的矢量图形设计工具,它可以作为 Adobe Illustrator 的一个替代品用于科研绘图。 1、PDF丢失字体替换: 对于PDF里丢失的字体,Affinity Designer会让你指定用来替换的系统字体,并且Arial字体很稳定。 2、用户界面: Affinity Designer 提供了一个比illustrator更直观的用户界面,很多常用功能没...
Adobe Illustrator 是老牌失量设计软件,功能强大,价格很贵。Affinity Designer 是新锐,功能相对较少,但...
在科研绘图领域,Affinity Designer展现出了超越Adobe Illustrator的诸多优点。首先,它在处理PDF中的字体问题上更胜一筹,能轻松指定系统字体替换,以保证清晰度,而Arial字体的稳定性更是得心应手。与Illustrator相比,Affinity Designer的用户界面设计更为直观,常用功能一目了然,无需过多探索,提高了工作...
Affinity Designer Vs Illustrator – let’s compare them! If you are working in design, you have probably already become familiar withAdobe products. For the past 30 years, the design world has revolved around the latest image editing and design applications from Adobe. ...
Hi All, I'm looking to drop my (very expensive) subscription to CorelDRAW, and transfer to another. Affinity Designer 2 seems to have pretty good reviews and is a very good price. Does anyone use both CorelDRAW and Affinity Designer that could provide a
This is why so many people are turning to Affinity Designer, as it's a popularbudget-friendly way to create vectors on macOSor on Windows. The Look of Affinity Designer For comparison's sake, take a look at Illustrator's layout:
With the help of Capterra, learn about Affinity Designer - features, pricing plans, popular comparisons to other Graphic Design products and more.
Now that I've gotten used to it, I LOVE it. Instead of just using it once in a while when I "needed" too like with Illustrator, I enjoy drawing more in Designer and use it all the time. Interestingly, I have it on both desktop and iPad and use it differenty in both places. I...
Serif Affinity Designer是一款专业的矢量图绘制工具,用于企业logo,插图和其它类型的矢量图设计;该软件拥有简洁的用户界面和中文支持,这让国内的设计师更加易于使用,功能完全不输给主流的CorelDRAW、adobe illustrator等设计软件;跨平台支持让用户可以在平板与PC端自由切换,同时还支持外接画板,用户可以在外接画板中尽情绘制...