halcon中affine_trans_pixel的意思 halcon中affine_trans_pixel的意思是像素坐标系,即原点位于图像的左上角第一个像素,使用row和column来肯定像素位置。
affine_trans_pixel 和 affine_trans_point_2d的不同在于所使用的坐标系原点不同,affine_trans_pixel 使用的是像素坐标系, 即原点位于图像的左上角第一个像素,使用row和column来确定像素位置,而affine_trans_point_2d的原点位于左上角第一个像素的中心,使用x和 y来标识坐标位置(实际原点相差(0.5,0.5))。 并且...
affine_trans_pixelapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the input pixels (Row,Col) and returns the resulting pixels in (RowTrans,ColTrans); the input and output pixels are subpixel precise coordinates. The affine transforma...
affine_trans_pixelapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the input pixels (Row,Col) and returns the resulting pixels in (RowTrans,ColTrans); the input and output pixels are subpixel precise coordinates. The affine transforma...
1. affine-trans-point-2d:这是一个表示二维平面上点变换的公式。它表示将一个点的坐标从原点平移到另一个点,同时保持该点在x轴和y轴方向上的线性变换不变。 2. affine-trans-pixel-affine-trans-point-2d:这是一个表示像素平面上点变换的公式。它表示将一个像素点的坐标从原点平移到另一个像素点,同时保持...
affine_trans_pixel 和 affine_trans_point_2d的区别 2019-11-29 15:30 −... NLazyo 0 4549 inflection point 2019-12-21 17:24 −http://blog.thefirehoseproject.com/posts/learn-to-code-and-be-self-reliant/ kill will develop 1.repeat code use 2.read document pass infle... ...
affine_trans_pixelapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the input pixels (Row,Col) and returns the resulting pixels in (RowTrans,ColTrans); the input and output pixels are subpixel precise coordinates. The affine transforma...
affine_trans_pixelapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the input pixels (Row,Col) and returns the resulting pixels in (RowTrans,ColTrans); the input and output pixels are subpixel precise coordinates. The affine transforma...
affine_trans_pixelapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the input pixels (Row,Col) and returns the resulting pixels in (RowTrans,ColTrans); the input and output pixels are subpixel precise coordinates. The affine transforma...