affine_trans_image(Image : ImageAffineTrans : HomMat2D, Interpolation, AdaptImageSize : ) HomMat2D即为仿射变换矩阵,仿射变换矩阵可通过hom_mat2d_translate,hom_mat2d_rotate 等算子来构造。 Interpolation设置像素插值方式,halcon中该参数提供了多种插值方式选择,其默认值为constant,注意此处的constant指的不是最...
halcon中affine_trans_image的用法 affine_trans_image用于在Halcon中对图像进行仿射变换操作。 该函数通过特定参数实现图像平移、旋转、缩放等多种仿射变化。仿射变换矩阵是affine_trans_image操作的重要参数之一。矩阵元素决定了图像在变换过程中的缩放比例。图像的旋转角度也由仿射变换矩阵相关元素确定。平移量同样通过矩阵...
affine_trans_imageapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the images given inImageand returns the transformed images inImageAffineTrans. The affine transformation is described by the homogeneous transformation matrix given inHomMat2D...
(Matrix3,-128.0,-128.0,Matrix4) affine_trans_image(Image,TransImage,Matrix4,'constant','true') * Enlarging the part of an image in the interactively * chosen rectangular window sector: draw_rectangle2(WindowHandle,L,C,Phi,L1,L2) hom_mat2d_identity(Matrix1) get_system(width,Width) get_...
zw版【转发·台湾nvp系列Delphi例程】HALCON AffineTransImage unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, OleCtrls, HALCONXLib_TLB; type TForm1 = class(TForm) HWindowXCtrl1: THWindowXCtrl; ...
Popescu, M., Blunt, S.D., Chan, T.: Magnetoencephalography source localization using the source affine image reconstruction (SAFFIRE) algorithm. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 57(7), 1652-1662 (2010)Mihai Popescu, Shannon D. Blunt, and Tszping Chan. Magnetoencephalography ...
vast image transform with polynomial transfrom and affine transform. The purpose of this code is to solve huge image which can not simply read in memory at once. Both polynomial transform and affine transform has been provide, and you can also to write y
affine_trans_imageapplies an arbitrary affine 2D transformation, i.e., scaling, rotation, translation, and slant (skewing), to the images given inImageand returns the transformed images inImageAffineTrans. The affine transformation is described by the homogeneous transformation matrix given inHomMat2D...
(Matrix3,-128.0,-128.0,Matrix4) affine_trans_image(Image,TransImage,Matrix4,'constant','true') * Enlarging the part of an image in the interactively * chosen rectangular window sector: draw_rectangle2(WindowHandle,L,C,Phi,L1,L2) hom_mat2d_identity(Matrix1) get_system(width,Width) get_...