Affine particle-in-cell methodBackground The interaction of gas and liquid can produce many interesting phenomena,such as bubbles rising from the bottom of the liquid.The simulation of two-phase fluids is a challenging topic in computer graphics.To animate the interaction of a gas and liquid,...
This is done by means of an impact matrix (Fig. 3) that combines in each 1 km cell the three floodplain hazard levels (Fig. 2c) with three population exposure classes: low (1–99 people / km2), medium (100–999 people / km2), and high (1 000 and more people / km2); these ...
Affine particle in cell method for MAC grids and fluid simulationdoi:10.1016/J.JCP.2020.109311Ounan DingTamar ShinarCraig A. SchroederAcademic Press
We present a new technique for transferring momentum and velocity between particles and MAC grids based on the Affine-Particle-In-Cell (APIC) framework [1], [2] previously developed for co-located grids. APIC represents particle velocities as locally affine, rather than locally constant as in ...
APICPICFLIPMPMHybrid Lagrangian/EulerianComputational fluid dynamicsWe present a new technique for transferring momentum and velocity between particles and MAC grids based on the Affine-Particle-In-Cell (APIC) framework [1,2] previously developed for co-located grids. APIC represents particle velocities...
The reassignment is performed by mapping the computed data points from their initial coordinates (𝑡,𝑓)(t,f) closer to the true region of the signal support [14,38], also known as the centroid or center of gravity (𝑡̂(𝑡,𝑓),𝑓̂(𝑡,𝑓))(t^(t,f),f^(t,f))....
Well placement optimization is one of the most important means to control the decline of oilfields and improve the recovery rate in the development process of deep and heterogeneous reservoirs, such as deep buried carbonate oil reservoirs. However, the mapping relationship from deployed well positions...