m)[0]==1:# Iterate through possible values for bforbinrange(0,m):# Decrypt using the current keydecrypted_text=affine_decrypt(ciphertext,a,b)# Print potential decryption for manual inspectionprint(f"Key (a={a}, b={b}):{decrypted_text}")ciphertext...
根据定理1.1,定理1.2和乘法逆,有如下仿射密码的定义: 代码实现(Python 3) defaffine_cipher_encrypt(message:str, keyA=7, keyB=3): SYMBOLS='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'translated=''message=message.upper()forsymbolinmessage:ifsymbolinSYMBOLS: symbolIndex=SYMBOLS.find(symbol) translatedIndex= (keyA * s...
最后,得到的密文是“IHHWVC SWFRCP”。 仿射密码(Affine cipher)解密过程,使用解密F(x) = a^-1(x-b) (mod m)进行计算,即可得到对应的解密后的原文。 仿射密码仍为单字母表密码, 其依旧保留了该类别加密之弱处,当a=1,仿射加密为凯撒密码,因该加密方程可简化为线性移动。 python实现 ''' 仿射密码 (a,...
Code Clone HTTPSGitHub CLI Download ZIP Latest commit Git stats 62commits Failed to load latest commit information. README.md Affine Cipher Usage Theaffine cipheris a type of monoalphabeticsubstitution cipher. It encrypts a text using anaffine function(f(x) = ax + b). ...
在线解码 https://www.metools.info/code/affinecipher183.html#google_vignette 1 书文混四方7月前 仿射加密 0 donbrothers10月前 key = gmpy2.invert(17, 26) enc = "szzyfimhyzd" flag = "" for i in enc: flag += chr((ord(i) - 97 + 8) * key % 26 + 97) print("flag{" + flag ...
Here is a Python implementation for affine cipher encryption and decryption algorithm using predefined keys. Check the code below − # Affine cipher Classclassaffine_cipher(object):DIE=128KEY=(7,3,55)def__init__(self):passdefencryptChar(self,char):K1,K2,kI=self.KEYreturnchr((K1*ord(char...
4.Why does having Key A be 1 make the affine cipher weak? 5.Why does having Key B be 0 make the affine cipher weak? answer 1.The shift and multiplicative ciphers. 2.A data type in Python similar to lists, except immutable.