Affective factors Involved in Learning a Foreign Language. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 127, 373-378Henter R. Affective Factors Involved in Learning a Foreign Language. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014; 127:373-378.
Hamayan, E., Genesee, F., y Tucker, G. R. (1977): "Affective factors and Language Exposure in Second Language Learning". Language Learning 27, 225-41.ElseHamayan, Fred Genesee & G. Richard Tucker, "Affective Factors and Language Exposure in Second Language Learning," Language Learning,...
AFFECTIVE FACTORS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING doi:10.1017/S0272263100008044Studies in Second Language AcquisitionEngber, Cheryl
affective factorscontent and language integrated learning (CLIL)content learningThe aim of the study was to investigate how successfully pupils had learned content in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and to assess pupils' affective learning factors, such as motivation and self-esteem, ...
There have been hundreds of studies that have looked at affective factors in language learning and most theories of SLA agree that affective variables on a learner have some effect on second lan-guage attainment. In regard to self-regulation and language learning in gen-eral, focus groups with ...
students'basicskillsoflanguage.Inrecentyears,collegeEnglish teachingreformhasbeenvigorouslyimplementedindomestic collegesanduniversities.However,thesurveyandresearchon theaffectivefactorsinhighervocationalcollegestudents'English learningisstillnotdeepenough.Asweallknow,affectivefactors playaninvaluableroleinlanguagelearning....
Imitation, egoism, and inhibition are three egocentric factors which have been treated only lightly in previous research. Three social variables, empathy, introversion/extroversion, and aggression, may be keys to understanding the social nature of second language learning. And the merging of cognition ...
Students’ academic success and contentment at colleges and universities seem to be positively correlated, and their active involvement in learning activities and educational use of SM. It was shown that important factors influencing affective learning participation and the instructional use of SM for ...
A Study of Cultural Factors in Foreign Language Teaching英汉对照 热度: On the affective factors in English Teaching 热度: 科技信息 职教与成教 离职《工程力学》教学【l】酌核心教学法军刀搽 9)11职业技术学院 任国强 [摘 要]本人根据多年从事工程力学的经验,结合当前高职院校的特点,在工程力学教学中提炼出了...
答案: 正确答案:Affective factors relate to the learner"s emotional state and attitude toward the target language.(1 point)They may include language anxiety, learning motivation, self-esteem, confidence and inhibition, which may interfere with the process of acquiring a second language.(4 points) ...