A government unable to effect any change is a government that will produce no surprises. (The Wall Street Journal) Put another way, a government that can't produce change won't be able to produce surprises; it will be predictable. Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning...
Wait! If you haven’t taken the Affect vs Effect Quiz yet, don’t read the answers. Try the quiz first.The quiz answers as well as their explanations are presented below. The ___ of the preacher’s words on the young…Continue Reading→ Affect vs ...
Indeed, if participants had not been strongly encouraged to first identify a self-concordant goal, then it is unknown whether the SMART goal program would have had the same positive effect on goal attainment. This could be tested in a future replication and extension of this study, employing ...
Given the large but obscure economic incentives the EITC creates, information about it should be likely to have an effect on labour supply. The information letters we sent contained accurate but simplified information about the EITC, with concrete examples of how parents’ taxes look depending on ...
“Wideband 1” digital filter setting with the SNR upper limit calculated for both 5 ps and 500 ps of clock jitter. The SNR upper-limit calculation uses the digital filter passband frequency as “fIN” to represent the maximum input signal frequency, which is where the effect of ...