15 【English With Lucy】25个英语日常口语短句 25 Smart Sentences for Daily Use 15:42 【Ellii】发音课|/ɑ/ 发音的单词|part 2 02:19 【Ellii】发音课|/ɑ/ 发音的单词|part 1 01:55 【英语发音课】澄清事实或者重复你想表达的内容时的语音语调 intonation|3个声调:rise/fall/partial fall 04:05 ...
In all of these examples, 'effect' is a noun and you can see that it's a noun from the structure in these sentences.'Effect' is a synonym of 'result' or 'consequence'.在这些例子当中,“effect”是一个名词,你能从句子结构中发现它是个名词。“effect”是“result”和“consequence”的同义词...
affect中的“a”表示动作,可以提醒你把它用作动词。当你在effect中看到"e"时,记住短语"cause and e...
Take these sentences, for example, that use the two words "affect" and "effect:以使用“affect”和“effect”这两个词的句子为例: • When a cold weather system and a warm weather system collide, the effect may be high winds that have a devastating effect on your property.当寒冷天气系统和...
I want you to choose whether effect or affect is the correct word in these sentences, starting here. 我想要让你们在这些句子中,选择effect或者affect作为正确词汇,现在开始。 Some of the effects/affects of this medication are sleep loss and headaches. 这款药物的一些effects/affects是失眠和头痛。 Is...
You are showing a noun, so it will be showing the “effect”. 你正在展示一个名词,所以将使用“effects”. Now you can rewrite sentences to say slightly different things. You can rewrite this sentence to be: “The study was designed to show how alcohols ___(effects/affects) reaction time...
Affect =Action (or Cause) Effect =End Result Compare these two sentences: The loud noiseaffectedmy concentration. (The noisechangedhow I could concentrate. –ACTION) The noise had aneffecton my concentration. (Theconsequenceof that noise is that I could not concentrate well. –END RESULT) ...
Check out these examples of affected as an adjective in sentences: I know someone who has an affected interest in poetry. Mary talked in an affected manner. Is it Personal Effects or Affects? The correct term to use is personal effect or personal effects. That is because the word personal ...
E =Effectis a N = Noun How to useaffectandeffectin a sentence Perhaps the best way to remember the difference betweenaffectandeffectis to see how they’re commonly used in sentences. Here are several example sentences withaffectandeffectas well as their related formsaffects,effects,affected,ef...
Affect and effect are different in meaning, though frequently confused. Affect is chiefly used as a verb and its main meaning is ‘to influence or make a difference to’, as in the following example sentences: Affect一般用作动词,其含义为:影响/改变,如下面例句所示: The pay increase will ...