but the meanings are not at all the same.“affect”和“effect”的区别只有一个字母,但意思完全不...
Take these sentences, for example, that use the two words "affect" and "effect:以使用“affect”和“effect”这两个词的句子为例: • When a cold weather system and a warm weather system collide, the effect may be high winds that have a devastating effect on your property.当寒冷天气系统和...
“affect” is also used as a noun, meaning a feeling or emotion, mainly in the context of psychology. “affect”也可作为名词使用,表示一种感觉或情绪,主要描写某种心理。 Effect Effect (影响) “effect” can also be used as a verb, meaning to cause to occur, to bring into existence, execut...
The word affect can also function as a noun, though that use is usually limited to psychology. Effect is a noun and means “the result” or “consequence.” The top definition of effect in Merriam-Webster is “something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or agent)....
“affect” is also used as a noun, meaning a feeling or emotion, mainly in the context of psychology。 “affect”也可作为名词使用,表示一种感觉或情绪,主要描写某种心理。 Effect Effect (影响) “effect” can also be used as a verb, meaning to cause to occur, to bring into existence, execu...
In that last example, the men are affected because they are changed by the disturbing events of war, and this change has an emotional factor. When a person is affected by an event, that often means that the effect is on the level of emotion or psychology—more on that when we discuss ...
Affect, as a noun, is found in the field of psychology, defined as “a set of observable manifestations of an experienced emotion . . .” And, the action-oriented effect (which isn’t used all that often) means “to cause to come into being” or “accomplish.” ...
“affect” is also used as a noun, meaning a feeling or emotion, mainly in the context of psychology. “affect”也可作为名词使用,表示一种感觉或情绪,主要描写某种心理。 Effect Effect (影响) “effect” can also be used as a verb, meaning to cause to occur, to bring into existence, execut...
The music had a calming ___ on the child. Ask yourself: am I showing action or a result? The loud noisesaffectedthe child's calm, and he left crying. (Affectedmeansinfluenced, acted on.) The music had a calmingeffecton the child. (Effectis theresultof the music.) The exceptions...