[148]为了重新加入身份认同与民主(ID)党团,德国选择党用雷内·奥斯特(René Aust)取代了备受争议的候选人马克西米利安·克拉赫(Maximilian Krah),担任德国选择党在欧洲议会的代表团团长。[151] 1.6.3 东德的州选举 | State elections in East Germany In the 2024 Thuringian state election, the AfD became the ...
AfD高层多次被曝与新纳粹极端势力有往来,被德国联邦宪法保卫局列为监视对象。党内重要成员Petr Bystron和Maximilian Krah等也因通俄和接收非法资金被检方调查。Krah的副手更因从事间谍活动被捕。可以说,他们在排外的同时,也做着国外势力的代理人。🌐 BSW(Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht)由前左翼党重要成员Sahra Wagenknecht...
【参考译文】2024年5月有报道称,国民联盟和身份与民主党团的其他成员宣布,在2024年欧洲议会选举后,他们将不再与德国选择党同坐一席,原因是德国选择党选举首席候选人马克西米利安·克拉(Maximilian Krah)在接受采访时谈及纳粹德国,并涉嫌暗示并非所有武装党卫军成员都应被视为罪犯。[273][274]意大利联盟党和捷克自由...
一些背景: 尽管AfD预测表现强劲,但在被踢出极右翼身份与民主(ID)党后,它在布鲁塞尔政治上无家可归。在其主要欧洲候选人马克西米利安·克拉(Maximilian Krah)表示,他不认为纳粹党卫军的所有成员都是罪犯之后,ID将AfD从该组织中删除。ID表示,在Krah发表评论后,他们不再希望与该党有联系。
“I wouldn't say that anyone wearing an SS uniform is automatically a criminal”, Krah told the Italian press on Saturday (18 May) about the Nazi’s elite assault paramilitary troops. Bardella answered clearly: “As a result, the RN will have new allies after the elections. The European...
Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page More to explore List Staff Picks: What to Watch in March See our picks Photos Seeing Double: Celebrity Doppelgangers ...
“You have to make a decision. Do you want to have the party of [Chancellor] Olaf Scholz and all those eunuchs? Or are you on our side, with Elon Musk and Donald Trump? Which side has more sex appeal?” This was Maximilian Krah, a highly controversial andoutspoken...
“You have to make a decision. Do you want to have the party of [Chancellor] Olaf Scholz and all those eunuchs? Or are you on our side, with Elon Musk and Donald Trump? Which side has more sex appeal?” This was Maximilian Krah, a highly controversial andoutspoken,far-right Alternative...
“You have to make a decision. Do you want to have the party of [Chancellor] Olaf Scholz and all those eunuchs? Or are you on our side, with Elon Musk and Donald Trump? Which side has more sex appeal?” This was Maximilian Krah, a highly controversial and outspoken...
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